Friday, November 04, 2005

This time last year

Well this time last year we were on our way. It was one of the saddest and happiest days of my life. I was leaving AJ for a trip that he should have been coming with me and Brandon was having to stay home because of school. My wonderful mom, Angie went with me. We left ATL on 11/4 on the first flight to LAX which was somewhere around 8am (I don't remember the exact time). Charlie, Mimi and Staci did a wonderful job and I'm sorry I can't remember the rest of the crew. We got to LA and went to our hotel (thanks Maria!) and then just walked around. We weren't leaving until the evening of 11/5 so we had plenty of time. We just wanted to get there early since we were nonreving and didn't want to risk missing our flight to Guangzhou. Tomorrow I will post pictures of our tour in LA. Posted by Picasa

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