Here is Sophie's. I love the ears and the noses. She loves to draw. She doesn't care how neat it is or anything like that. The tall blond in purple is me (although I'm not that tall), then daddy, then Brandon, then Maddie and then Sophie.
Here is Maddie's. Maddie is a perfectionist. We went through many, many trees before she would finally let me help her. She would get so mad at herself. She was having a hard time drawing the bodies. She could get the lines down, but just couldn't do the feet and hands. I helped her by holding her hand while she was drawing that. She did the faces and the hair and we drew the dogs together. She told me last night that she forgot to draw clothes on them, so I told her tonight she could. Hopefully she won't get to upset and want to start over again. I think all of her drawings were beautiful. I should have saved them, but she crumpled them up before I could. From left to right: Sophie, Maddie, Brandon, me and daddy. Then on the bottom the brown dog is Alice and the yellow dog is Lucy.
I forgot to post about the deer we had the other day. Tuesday I was in the kitchen filling the mop bucket. I had the windows open and I looked out and saw the behind of a deer behind a tree. We have 2.2 acres and about 1 1/2 of it is fenced in. The deer was just outside of the fence. The dogs were on the other side of the house so the deer was enjoying himself. I snuck outside so I could take a picture. I zoomed as far as the camera would let me and got a picture of the deer looking at me. We just stood there for a few minutes looking at each other before he took off. It was pretty cool. I know we have them back there, but I never see them because of the dogs. The fence got smushed when a tree limb fell on it and we just haven't fixed it yet.
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