Friday, May 09, 2008


Today is Sophie's one year gotcha day anniversary. I have a longer post I am working on, but I wanted to post these pictures. Isn't it amazing the difference one year makes?

Here is the post I made on Sophie's blog on here day. I was so nervous that day. It was hard to believe that I was finally going to meet that sweet little face that I had stared at for so long. She was so tiny. She looked very nervous and very scared. She did come right up to me and she did start to laugh and smile. I think she was very well prepared. After reading this post on Asher's blog, I know she was scared. That post broke my heart. She misses Asher and she misses Fu Fei (a little girl from Dandong who turned 13 earlier this year). She mentions them everyday. You can see that sad look in her eyes sometimes like something is missing. I haven't told Asher's family this story yet, but I have to share. One day I'm going to video tape it so that you can hear it in her own words. I asked Sophie about the story about Asher getting the kids to throw out their shoes. Sophie said she was going to throw them out, but he stopped her. He wouldn't let her throw them out. I asked her why she was going to do it and she said that it was because they had a bunny on them and they made a face. She then says that the shoes turned into her mommy. She has a huge imagination :). I just love how sweet Asher was to her and how he took care of her. I can't wait to get the two of them together soon.
Here are just some bullet points about Sophie. She has been such a blessing to all of us. I can't believe how much she has changed over this year.
  • She loves veggies. Her favorites are broccoli, corn on the cob and mushrooms.
  • She makes some of the goofiest faces.
  • She loves to give kisses and to receive them.
  • She will tell you she loves you out of the blue.
  • She can throw a fit just like her sister.
  • She is very strong willed.
  • She hates standing in the corner for timeout (it's the best thing that has worked).
  • She is not shy.
  • She loves to entertain.
  • Her favorite color is purple.
  • She loves Spiderman, Little Mermaid and Thomas.
  • She loves Asher (she calls him something that sounds like shou dua)
  • She loves her sister.
  • She loves going on long rides with her daddy. She has already been to Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee.
  • She is a t-shirt kind of gal, but also will wear dresses and tolerates her sister picking out her clothes.
  • She is the sweetest child I know.
  • She is very funny.
  • She weighs 32lbs and is 3ft tall.
  • She is the healthiest child. She's had one cold since she's been home, but she hasn't been on antibiotics her anything.
  • Her special need is a deformed spine and fused ribs. It is a non issue. We absolutely went in thinking the worst and received nothing but the best. She is perfect. She will always have a short torso and will be small, but she will be fine.

God knew what he was doing when he led us to Sophie. She has been nothing but a blessing to our family. I'll admit there are some hard days, but the smile on her face makes it all better. She will start pre-k this year with Maddie. Those two will be trouble I know it. They are always getting into something. Even though Sophie is a year and 14 days older, it is like having twins. It never stops. Tonight (5/11) they were painting their fingernails when they were supposed to be in bed. Turns out they were painting the wall and the toy box. If it's not one thing, it's another.

I can't wait to see what the future holds for Sophie. That child can do anything and everything that she sets her mind to.


Amy said...

great photos! Happy one year home! Sophie is a gift!!!

Chelley said...

It is amazing how much Sophie has changed in such a short time!

Chelley said...

A wish from the heart, a whole lotta love and hugz
HAPPY Mother's Day !

Asher, Esther & Emma's Jie Jie said...

It's so neat to watch how she has transformed over the past year!

Asher loved looking at all of her photos.. I know how much he misses her.

It wouldn't surprise me if he didn't let her throw the shoes out the window, because he wanted to protect her from getting in trouble. He's very protective of his younger sisters.

Now that summers here.. we need to get them together!!