Sunday, November 20, 2005

What a difference a year makes

What a difference a year makes! The picture on the left is from when we arrived home on 11/20/04 and the picture on the right is from today, 11/20/05. AJ didn't go with us to China so Maddie did not want anything to do with him. I had gotten AJ a pass to go thru the gate to meet us at the airplane. We were supposed to come it at C1 and that's what I had told him. Turns out they changed the gate to C18. When we got off the plane, daddy wasn't there. The next thing I see his AJ running from the end of the concourse to come see us. It was so sweet. I was so ready to see him and Brandon. We had a great welcome home crew. AJ, Brandon, Mimi, Hannah, Noah, Gracie, Granddaddy, Mamman and Martha were all there to see us in. Eveyone was so excited to see Maddie but she wasn't all that excited to see everyone else. I was the only one who could hold her and I really needed to go to the restroom. That's when I handed her off to AJ and that's where the picture on the left came from. We then drove the hour home and Maddie cried most of the way. She hated the carseat (still does) and didn't want to have anything to do with it. We got home and Larry, Donna and Ben were there to see her. Maddie was great. We didn't even suffer from jetlag. I think staying that night in LA helped a lot. Like I said earlier, China was wonderful and I can't wait to go back but I was sooo glad to be home and have Maddie home with us. Posted by Picasa

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