Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Well I'm going to write this tonight because I have parent/teacher conferance tomorrow. I can't believe that it is 1 year ago today (9/8) that I saw this picture. I was so upset because most of my fellow March Monkeys had received their referrals on 9/7 and I didn't think ours was going to come. Well on 9/8 everybody went to lunch except for me. I wanted to be there when the call came. Well, I went to go check my home email and my yahoo groups from another computer and when I got back I had an email that said "Here she is!!!:-) Well I thought it was someone else sending me their picture so I opened it. Not paying attention to the fact that it was our agency. Well the email simply said her name, date of birth and where she was. By this time I'm bawling. I had opened up her picture and saw the most beautiful human being I had ever seen. She was perfect. I called her daddy and felt so bad for opening the email and looking at her picture. Well, while I was waiting for him to open up his email everyone starts coming back from lunch. They all see me bawling and know that this is it. I refused to show them her picture until AJ had opened it. While I was waiting I looked at her details a little closer and realized that she shares her daddy's birthday. How awesome is that?! Once he saw her, then I started showing everybody. I called Grammy and then granddaddy and then I had to call grandma at school. Everyone was so excited. We were all ready to go and get our girl. Her name means Yang-surname given by orphanage Yu-Rain and Wei - a form of grass in ancient stories. We love you Maddie Cannon and are so glad you are in our lives! Posted by Picasa

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